Born September 1961 in Graz, Austria.
Training as a medical massage therapist in Graz.
Until 1990, I worked as a masseur for the United Nations in Vienna and New York.
Start of the two-year training Structural Integration/Rolfing at the Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado, graduating from the Guild for Structural Integration, also in Boulder.
My trainers were Peter Melchior, Emmett Hutchins and Neal Powers, three of Dr. Ida P. Rolf’s first Structural Integration students and their first assistants.
All three are lifetime honorary members of the Rolf Institute and leaders of the Guild for Structural Integration.
Worked in a joint practice in Vienna with fellow Rolfer Gerhard Hesse.
Residence in Salvador Brazil. During this time collaboration in a joint practice for Gestalt Therapy and Psychology. Workshops in Somatic Experiencing, Trauma Work according to Peter Levine.
Training at the International Shiatsu School Austria with successful graduation in 2005. During this training, workshops in visceral manipulation and organ unwinding, craniosacral techniques and Shin-Tai according to Saul Goodman.
Practice in Graz and Vienna. Collaboration with Dr. Renate Schied, medical specialist for homeopathy and natural healing methods.
Training workshops in Structural Integration/Rolfing, in Zurich and Turin with Neal Powers.
Advanced training workshop with Sharon Wheeler, Integrating Scar-tissue into the Facial-web. Valencia / Spain.
Workshop with Dr. Hans Flury, Normal Function/Normal Movement. Zurich.
Second and final workshop with Sharon Wheeler, Integrating Scar-tissue into the Facial-web. Zurich.
Prague SI Confernce “Tradition – Science – Innovation” with Dr. Robert Schleip, Sharon Wheeler, Neal Powers.
“Pelvic Variations” – The 4th and 5th of the Basic SI Series. Turin.
Advanced Training as Advanced Practitioner for Structural Integration/Rolfing. Prague.